Monday, February 16, 2009

Send out Laborers

And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (Luk 10:2)

I am so glad that the Lord Saves us and equips us to be his laborers. But the one word that makes this verse so amazing is the reference, His. It is His Harvest. Its Gods harvest. So often when laboring in the midst of evangelism we are concerned and afraid to share the Gospel with new people. We shall not forget that the people we share with are potential brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not out to gather tares but the wheat, we are not out to gather the Goats but the sheep. It is so comforting to me that those who have been saved and those that are going to be saved have their names written in the lamb’s book of life! God is in control of all things.

We shall eagerly get out to labor. There is an abundant harvest here in Fresno, in my neighborhood. Where ever a believer is located he stands within a harvest, but the question remains do you labor or are you idle. We must get our hands out of our pockets and spread the
gospel with every ambition.

I have the chance to labor at Riverpark 'Young Adults Ministry' would you please pray for young adults at RiverPark so that there wouldn’t be a time in our lives where we don’t Glorify God. So often we tend to say it as "please pray that i would Glorify God." But it feels like what that request intends to say is pray that there would be segments in my life that I would glorify God. But I believe there is a reason why Christ said Deny yourself, your whole self. All of me should glorify the Father. And also that from amongst this Group God would send out many as laborers into Neighborhoods and even across seas!

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