Friday, February 6, 2009

His Name Shall be Highly Exalted

In Genesis God made man for Gods own purpose! That man may share in the joy of enjoying God. God was on the throne of Adams and Eve’s heart. They lived role model God loving lives. God also made everything else that man may enjoy and Glorify God for. The stars, planets, trees, mountains, animals, insects, fish, birds, everything that has life was created to point at the Glorious Creator. After the fall of man, man died to God. There was an eternal separation from God. Meaning God was no longer on the throne of mans hearts. This is such as food, animals, family, riches; popularity began to take the seat of the throne in the hearts of man. The throne is created for God alone and not Idols that are dead. Today as believers we shall not be held down by material things they should not be highly elevated. We must live in a manner that is poor to this world but is rich heavenly speaking. Poverty in Spirit is richness in the eyes of God. God created Animals so that man may glorify the creator who created them; God created everything in order that we may see how great our God. Creation was purposed to guide us in our worship towards God. It is all external there was no intention for them to be worshiped as we see played out in history and today. The external is there to help our internal. Meaning God is internal, He is in us and everything else is there to help support in enjoying him who is in us. Today things are the other way around. I like the example John Piper shares.

One day there was a man with his family waiting for a solar eclipse. The man was married to his wife and had two kids one was 2 months and the other 3. The man took his 3 yr. old placed him on his feet and the countdown began for the solar eclipse to take its glory. Right when the solar eclipse appeared the father quickly reached out his right hand in the direction of the solar eclipse to point at it with his finger. The father said to his 3 year old, "LOOK! There it is!" The father quickly came to realize that the child was not looking at the eclipse but at his hand that he intended to use to point at the solar eclipse.

Likewise God created everything around us to point towards him but we began to stare and worship that what is intended to point at Him; elevating creation over creator. This makes me realize that I do not want to live a life for myself where I become educated then make lots of money so that my kids could become educated and have lots of money, so that their kids could get a good education and make lots of money. Life is not meant to be lived that way or that’s not the life I want to live. That life is tempting to pursue here in the U.S. it feels like my mind is under hypnosis to think that I should make lots of money or else I am not normal. Christ simply says “you cannot serve two masters you will love one and hate the other…” I cannot love both God and mammon. Scripture calls me to live a life worthy of the Gospel. God has been showing be the greatness of surrendering my life to him that I may serve in a place where I can be killed for the sake of the gospel. And what joy that will be; that I would be called worthy of such honor.
God Bless you!

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