Friday, February 6, 2009

Lately, I have been thinking about the Lords guiding in my life. I am so thankful for the group the Lord gathered Last year in the summer of 2008. The groups name is Sl3d! The group is and will always be a blessing from the Lord.

Today my Father revealed to me a portion of my evil heart. How quick I was to live for myself. My Grandpa told me a week ago that “I or myself” is evil. Meaning when you live life for yourself you are not living it for Christ but in the pattern of the evil one. The Lord Jesus say who ever wishes to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospels will save it. How true! I view living your life for yourself is an attempt to save it but in all reality it’s only a way to lose it. O how great it is to be at the feet of Jesus like marry who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. How great it is to surrender your life to The Lord Jesus Christ!

Lastly I wanted to post my heart’s desire for this upcoming summer. I want to glorify my heavenly Father! It’s as simple and Hard as that, nonetheless it’s in the midst of missions. God is so great that he gives us so many options. The Gospel is needed everywhere in the world. I can even stay here in Fresno CA! But my heart is longing for Ukraine. I also have a neat opportunity to Go to another country and spread the gospel throughout many villages that this country is consisted of. I don’t want disclose the name of the country because of life threatening reasons for the pastors and missionaries that live there.

I had a blessed opportunity to spend time with a very close brother of mine Vitalik Kuchkovskiy and we discussed how we should live in all righteousness. In doing we should live in a way where come to the point of death. In the beatitudes it says we will be persecuted for Christ righteousness. Therefore we should live with our lights of Christ righteousness shining in such a way that it blinds the world and brings them to the Gospel either it be, I remain alive or enter into the Goodness of the Kingdom awaiting the elect!

Prayer need:
* My friend Vitalik doesn’t know if he should go to Ukraine. I really want him to go because I saw the great need in UA last summer and God has been shaping him in such a way where he can be extensively used for Gods Glory and expanding the Kingdom.
* My brother Roman Need prayer. He is in a position where the Lord is breaking him and showing Him Christ is the only way. Pray that the Lord would save him!

God Bless!
Your Brother in the Faith,
Vitalik Kovalinskiy

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