Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lord lead me!

The Lord has taught me that I must surrender everything I am to Him. I am reminded in the Acts of the Apostles where the entire congregation of believers would sell all of their possessions and give it to the church. The Lord showed me that I must give my education to the Lord as a Possession, although I struggle with one Difficulty. I dont know if Social Work is the Major the Lord has laid out for me. Is Social work something I will go on Glorifying God with? But All in all The Lord is my Joy and in Him I place my Life and what tomorrow has to offer.

Lastly I have noticed a big decrease in my heart for ministry ever since I moved to my new Church, Riverpark. It’s quite strange. But I plead to the Lord that my heart would be fully his and I would be His servant; One that finds all of his comfort and Joy in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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