Sunday, May 24, 2009

Good Bye

Bye Guys!

Love all of you! Please pray for me i am in despereate need! Please pray for Nina, Timothy and Me (Vitaliy).

Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ!

The Lord blessed the day we Celebrate the Resurrection of Christ! Easter morning was so fun and enjoyable. But most of all the Glory of God was so present.

Heres a Poem that reminds me of all my efforts to make things right with God!

O long and dark the stairs I trod
With trembling feet to find my God
Gaining a foothold bit by bit,
Then slipping back and losing it.
Never progressing; striving still
With weakening grasp and faltering will,
Bleeding to climb to God, while he
Serenely smiled, unnoting me.
Then came a certain time when I
Loosened my hold and fell thereby;
Down to the lowest step my fall,
As if I had not climbed at all.
Now when I lay despairing there,
Listen … a footfall on the stair,
On that same stair where I afraid,
Faltered and fell and lay dismayed.
And lo, when hope had ceased to be,
My God came down the stairs to me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Healthy in my Lord!

In recent history people believed that health was seen through one’s eyes, they thought it was ones physical well-being. In the last 50 years there have been studies done to show that our health is seen in many different dimensions. The dimensions of health include social, mental, emotional, Spiritual, and physical health which are all tightly intertwined. I would like to consider how each of the internal and external factors that influence psychosocial health are currently affecting me. I would also like to discuss the positive steps one can take to enhance psychosocial health.
Psychosocial health has been defined to include both psychological and social aspects of one’s life, and how social health compares or influences the other health dimensions like emotional, spiritual and mental. All the dimensions are like standing dominos; if one aspects of health like the emotional crumbles all the other will also follow its lead, like would a domino when falling and knocking the others. It is very important to be a strong and well rounded person. Evaluating myself in the light of psychosocial health and all of the aspects of its dimensions I feel to be surpassingly healthy.
There are several basic elements that prove one is psychosocially healthy. Rebecca J. Donatelle the author of Health the basics would agree that one is healthy if he/she feels good about themselves. In my life i do not have the aspect of feeling good about myself, BUT there is something else. I feel good about what my God has done for me. I feel good to know that which I hate in myself, namely my sin, God has bore on the cross. This makes me see I higher stage of feeling good not of self but of God. Think about it, one day I can feel good about myself but the other day I can miserable. I shift like shadows and am tossed like the waves of the sea. But my God isn’t. He is unchanging. Therefore I will always feel good with a living spring of Joy flowing from me! I think if I felt good about myself that would mean that I feel good about my sin that is ever present in my life. That is a dilemma! The Bible states that is one loves his sin he is not a regenerate person. But if one is completely satisfied in God that is the greatest ecstasy of happiness. Therefore do not feel good about yourself but feel good about God.
Psychosocially healthy people feel comfortable around other people. I also qualify under this quality. There are moments in my life where I purposefully lead myself to meet new people and their reaction makes me feel uncomfortable. But the only reason I feel uncomfortable is because I want them to receive a high view of me in the midst of my first impression. That is something that makes me uncomfortable but when I am around others and my primary Goal is to make much of God Through my conversations, thoughts, and actions I feel most comfortable. Likewise I am most blessed because after the Lord had saved me from a life of self centeredness he gave me the Holy Spirit who comforts me in my every need!
Psychosocially healthy people control tension and anxiety. I view anxiety and tension as my ever roaring enemies. In the midst of school and my studies I am very prone to becoming anxious. But I don’t have too. The reason I do not have to become tense nor anxious is because my God is in control of everything; not only the weather but every atom that exist. He is in control of life and death, success and failure. Therefore when I am anxious or worry I question the sovereignty of God. That should be the last of all my questions. I am well equipped to control tension and anxiety.
Psychosocially healthy people maintain a positive outlook on life. I have a very positive outlook on life because my life is all about God. When my closest uncle, Anatoliy Morgun, passed away i could have had a negative outlook on life but I don’t because this life isn’t about me! His death was there to bring me into a closer union with my God. I know that in the midst of disaster and death I can positively look at life because this life is only momentary and soon after I have eternity in heaven awaiting me! Yes there are hard times in life, like many are encountering right now due to the economical crisis. My Uncle Ivan Glukhoy has recently lost his Job while having a family of 9. He was the sole provider. But the Lord still give such people a Positive outlook on life because He promises us if me seek Him in His righteousness he will give us all of the necessities in life. He says that neither the sparrow of the sky nor lilies of the field neither reap nor toil but the Lord provides for them; how much more are we to Him! How can one not have a positive outlook in the surpassing goodness of God?
Psychosocially healthy people are thankful for simple things and meet Goals. I find myself to be needy in the area of being thankful. If my eyes were open to all of the simple good things that I have and how unthankful I am to God I am the most to be pitied! But when I realize where I have not been thankful I will use that realization to be a guide in the areas I need to be thankful. Consider the water that flows out of our refrigerator, it is only steps away. But contrast that with what people in Africa have to encounter to receive one glass of water. They have to walk tens of miles in order to fill their stomachs. How thankful shall we be to have what we do! How thankful shall we be that the air we breathe is free; imagine having to pay for our every breath. I am not one that meets all of my goals and I think that is very good because if I met all of my goals there would be no more to meet. That might be sarcastic but very true. If I have not met my goals I have a life ahead of me to meet them.
I do not want seem like a perfect human being, I am not. But My God perfects me; His riches over flow into my life. There are many weaknesses that I bear but they are nothing in the eyes of God and He always strengthens me. Whenever I am weak my Gods strength shines through me.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Carwash and Me

We had a Car wash today! I remeber posts from last year where i would write how our car washes went! I guess when doing something for the Glory of God it always goes very well! The outcome was good! I got to speak to many people!

The Lord thought me so much, one of which is to take hold of every oppertunity and Live for the glory of God! Please thank the Lord with me for His grace in this entire day!

The car wash was very Good. Left me burned. My arms are very red! I think that is Good! But my face is unnaturally blushing at the computer screen or in other words my face is also burned. That is the extent of my trials in the Carwash. Over all the Lord blessed us today! I had the privilege of reaching out to many people in Fresno/Clovis Area. The two cities are minutes apart. It was nice seeing people encourage us and support what we are doing! I would hope to share everything but I will share one impression that stuck to me the most today!
An Older Russian Brother, he is about 53. His name is Nikolay, or in modern day Nick or Kolya. Anyways regardless how one refers to him, He drives up almost running people over, Jumps out of His big green Truck and begins to say you’re doing it wrong! That’s not what we should be doing! Lol. The moral of the Story is we should “Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things will be given to us as well!” It was nice of him to remind us and Encourage everyone.
The Lord is keeping me busy with school; I am currently attending Fresno State University. I work at night Cleaning a small office and also I am involved in Child care at a local Church called New Covenant. I am involved in my new Church called Riverpark Bible Church; I have the privilege to serve in a small group. Sunday Nights I serve at riverpark and spend time with 2-3 year olds. They are great. It’s weird I love the most naughtiest child of the pack. His name is Braxton. He is very hyper. Well on top of all of this I and a group are getting ready to go to Ukraine! We are going to spend time with helping at a camp serving Orphans.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Call to Missions

The Lord has been faithfully leading me in my life. He is great! The Lord is leading me to Ukraine once more this summer! This is according to my current discernment. It’s great to continue the ministry I began earlier in my life; spreading the Gospel amongst the young generation of Ukraine! Please pray because I hope to prepare a group to go. Plead the Lord to send the ones whom he wishes to use! I will tell you honestly I really enjoy serving in Ukraine! I don’t know why. But it seems like it is the country where I want to spend the remainder of my life ministering. But I will only live my life to live according to the will of my Heavenly father! In obedience to God.

Please pray for me and the future group!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

From Everlasting

“Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting”
- Mic_5:2

The Lord Jesus had goings forth for his people as their representative before the throne, long before they appeared upon the stage of time. It was “from everlasting” that he signed the compact with his Father, that he would pay blood for blood, suffering for suffering, agony for agony, and death for death, in the behalf of his people; it was “from everlasting” that he gave himself up without a murmuring word. That from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot he might sweat great drops of blood, that he might be spit upon, pierced, mocked, rent asunder, and crushed beneath the pains of death. His goings forth as our Surety were from everlasting. Pause, my soul, and wonder! Thou hast goings forth in the person of Jesus “from everlasting.” Not only when thou wast born into the world did Christ love thee, but his delights were with the sons of men before there were any sons of men. Often did he think of them; from everlasting to everlasting he had set his affection upon them. What! my soul, has he been so long about thy salvation, and will not he accomplish it? Has he from everlasting been going forth to save me, and will he lose me now? What! Has he carried me in his hand, as his precious jewel, and will he now let me slip from between his fingers? Did he choose me before the mountains were brought forth, or the channels of the deep were digged, and will he reject me now? Impossible! I am sure he would not have loved me so long if he had not been a changeless Lover. If he could grow weary of me, he would have been tired of me long before now. If he had not loved me with a love as deep as hell, and as strong as death, he would have turned from me long ago.
Oh, joy above all joys, to know that I am his everlasting and inalienable inheritance, given to him by his Father or ever the earth was! Everlasting love shall be the pillow for my head this night.
~ C. H. Spurgeon

Friday, February 27, 2009

How great is our Sin

“Behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague.”
- Lev_13:13

Strange enough this regulation appears, yet there was wisdom in it, for the throwing out of the disease proved that the constitution was sound. This evening it may be well for us to see the typical teaching of so singular a rule. We, too, are lepers, and may read the law of the leper as applicable to ourselves. When a man sees himself to be altogether lost and ruined, covered all over with the defilement of sin, and in no part free from pollution; when he disclaims all righteousness of his own, and pleads guilty before the Lord, then he is clean through the blood of Jesus, and the grace of God. Hidden, unfelt, unconfessed iniquity is the true leprosy; but when sin is seen and felt, it has received its deathblow, and the Lord looks with eyes of mercy upon the soul afflicted with it. Nothing is more deadly than self-righteousness, or more hopeful than contrition. We must confess that we are “nothing else but sin,” for no confession short of this will be the whole truth; and if the Holy Spirit be at work with us, convincing us of sin, there will be no difficulty about making such an acknowledgment -it will spring spontaneously from our lips. What comfort does the text afford to truly awakened sinners: the very circumstance which so grievously discouraged them is here turned into a sign and symptom of a hopeful state! Stripping comes before clothing; digging out the foundation is the first thing in building-and a thorough sense of sin is one of the earliest works of grace in the heart. O thou poor leprous sinner, utterly destitute of a sound spot, take heart from the text, and come as thou art to Jesus-

“For let our debts be what they may, however great or small,
As soon as we have nought to pay, our Lord forgives us all.
‘Tis perfect poverty alone that sets the soul at large:
While we can call one mite our own, we have no full discharge.”

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lord lead me!

The Lord has taught me that I must surrender everything I am to Him. I am reminded in the Acts of the Apostles where the entire congregation of believers would sell all of their possessions and give it to the church. The Lord showed me that I must give my education to the Lord as a Possession, although I struggle with one Difficulty. I dont know if Social Work is the Major the Lord has laid out for me. Is Social work something I will go on Glorifying God with? But All in all The Lord is my Joy and in Him I place my Life and what tomorrow has to offer.

Lastly I have noticed a big decrease in my heart for ministry ever since I moved to my new Church, Riverpark. It’s quite strange. But I plead to the Lord that my heart would be fully his and I would be His servant; One that finds all of his comfort and Joy in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

Do not let the book of the law Depart from your mouth for the words that it contains
give life!

My dearly Loved Brother Roman

My Grandmother Ulyana

This is My Grandfather Nikolai

There is so much i want to post but so little time!

I will leave one small quote:

"For Lunch with freinds but for dinner in paradise with the Lord"

Live today as it is your last day to live!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Advice: Read your BIBLE!

My lord saved me from living for myself

Yesterday was a day of mourning and of Joy! It’s painful in the inner man to see a body that will not again walk upon the face of this earth like it once did! But Joyous that now the person that is now passed away is with our Lord.
I think right now I am struggling with the question of what am I living my life for? I so often find myself buried away in a life living for itself. It kills me because when I am living for self I am not living for the Glory of my God. My heart becomes far from Cross centered.
I have come to realize how amazing it is to live heavenly minded. To know that the reason I live is to be with my lord in heaven. Do I receive an education that I may have a good career? No. It is that I may live my life heaven focused with an education or without. I live to be in heaven. I live by faith. I live to spread the Gospel the power of God unto salvation. I live for my Lord who saved me from living for myself.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday What a Day!

"Oh my son,
I am weak and I am trembling for the LORD I am remembering.
Oh what a strong shepherd holds you in His arms!
He will break you and make you His own."
-Paul Washer
"So deep are our necessities that until we are in heaven we must not cease to pray. Dost thou want nothing? Then I fear thou dost not know thy Poverty. "
-C.H. Spurgeon

The Lord has been Teaching me many things today! One is just to be thankful for what the Lord has done in my Life by Saving me out of the Pits of hell. I have been experiencing, what i like to call a Spiritual break down. But in all reality I see that i am not cross focused. The gospel is far from where it should be. My only hope is in the Cross for salvation and sanctification! How Great is our lord Jesus Christ!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Day with my Brother!

I had a Chance to take Tima to a place no one visits but its a place every little boy dreams to see.
Glory to God!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Send out Laborers

And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (Luk 10:2)

I am so glad that the Lord Saves us and equips us to be his laborers. But the one word that makes this verse so amazing is the reference, His. It is His Harvest. Its Gods harvest. So often when laboring in the midst of evangelism we are concerned and afraid to share the Gospel with new people. We shall not forget that the people we share with are potential brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not out to gather tares but the wheat, we are not out to gather the Goats but the sheep. It is so comforting to me that those who have been saved and those that are going to be saved have their names written in the lamb’s book of life! God is in control of all things.

We shall eagerly get out to labor. There is an abundant harvest here in Fresno, in my neighborhood. Where ever a believer is located he stands within a harvest, but the question remains do you labor or are you idle. We must get our hands out of our pockets and spread the
gospel with every ambition.

I have the chance to labor at Riverpark 'Young Adults Ministry' would you please pray for young adults at RiverPark so that there wouldn’t be a time in our lives where we don’t Glorify God. So often we tend to say it as "please pray that i would Glorify God." But it feels like what that request intends to say is pray that there would be segments in my life that I would glorify God. But I believe there is a reason why Christ said Deny yourself, your whole self. All of me should glorify the Father. And also that from amongst this Group God would send out many as laborers into Neighborhoods and even across seas!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Please Pray

Please pray that my best freinds
mother doesnt lose her Job in
the midst of this economy!
His name is vitalik also! Thank you!
He stated it this way "Pray that
Gods will be accomplished" within
that situation.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just a Thought

I had the chance of talking about it being better to give then to recieve. How true.
Likewise the Lord has been showing me how He is in control of peoples lives. He has been in control from all of eternity past, History, Present, Future and eternity future. That is our God. He was in Control during Nazi Germany, the days of every famine, Holocaust, war, Genocide, Drought, or whatever we see to be horrible. In the midst of that evil God uses it for Good. With the purpose of furthering of the Gospel and manifesting His Glory.

Friday, February 6, 2009

His Name Shall be Highly Exalted

In Genesis God made man for Gods own purpose! That man may share in the joy of enjoying God. God was on the throne of Adams and Eve’s heart. They lived role model God loving lives. God also made everything else that man may enjoy and Glorify God for. The stars, planets, trees, mountains, animals, insects, fish, birds, everything that has life was created to point at the Glorious Creator. After the fall of man, man died to God. There was an eternal separation from God. Meaning God was no longer on the throne of mans hearts. This is such as food, animals, family, riches; popularity began to take the seat of the throne in the hearts of man. The throne is created for God alone and not Idols that are dead. Today as believers we shall not be held down by material things they should not be highly elevated. We must live in a manner that is poor to this world but is rich heavenly speaking. Poverty in Spirit is richness in the eyes of God. God created Animals so that man may glorify the creator who created them; God created everything in order that we may see how great our God. Creation was purposed to guide us in our worship towards God. It is all external there was no intention for them to be worshiped as we see played out in history and today. The external is there to help our internal. Meaning God is internal, He is in us and everything else is there to help support in enjoying him who is in us. Today things are the other way around. I like the example John Piper shares.

One day there was a man with his family waiting for a solar eclipse. The man was married to his wife and had two kids one was 2 months and the other 3. The man took his 3 yr. old placed him on his feet and the countdown began for the solar eclipse to take its glory. Right when the solar eclipse appeared the father quickly reached out his right hand in the direction of the solar eclipse to point at it with his finger. The father said to his 3 year old, "LOOK! There it is!" The father quickly came to realize that the child was not looking at the eclipse but at his hand that he intended to use to point at the solar eclipse.

Likewise God created everything around us to point towards him but we began to stare and worship that what is intended to point at Him; elevating creation over creator. This makes me realize that I do not want to live a life for myself where I become educated then make lots of money so that my kids could become educated and have lots of money, so that their kids could get a good education and make lots of money. Life is not meant to be lived that way or that’s not the life I want to live. That life is tempting to pursue here in the U.S. it feels like my mind is under hypnosis to think that I should make lots of money or else I am not normal. Christ simply says “you cannot serve two masters you will love one and hate the other…” I cannot love both God and mammon. Scripture calls me to live a life worthy of the Gospel. God has been showing be the greatness of surrendering my life to him that I may serve in a place where I can be killed for the sake of the gospel. And what joy that will be; that I would be called worthy of such honor.
God Bless you!
Lately, I have been thinking about the Lords guiding in my life. I am so thankful for the group the Lord gathered Last year in the summer of 2008. The groups name is Sl3d! The group is and will always be a blessing from the Lord.

Today my Father revealed to me a portion of my evil heart. How quick I was to live for myself. My Grandpa told me a week ago that “I or myself” is evil. Meaning when you live life for yourself you are not living it for Christ but in the pattern of the evil one. The Lord Jesus say who ever wishes to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospels will save it. How true! I view living your life for yourself is an attempt to save it but in all reality it’s only a way to lose it. O how great it is to be at the feet of Jesus like marry who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. How great it is to surrender your life to The Lord Jesus Christ!

Lastly I wanted to post my heart’s desire for this upcoming summer. I want to glorify my heavenly Father! It’s as simple and Hard as that, nonetheless it’s in the midst of missions. God is so great that he gives us so many options. The Gospel is needed everywhere in the world. I can even stay here in Fresno CA! But my heart is longing for Ukraine. I also have a neat opportunity to Go to another country and spread the gospel throughout many villages that this country is consisted of. I don’t want disclose the name of the country because of life threatening reasons for the pastors and missionaries that live there.

I had a blessed opportunity to spend time with a very close brother of mine Vitalik Kuchkovskiy and we discussed how we should live in all righteousness. In doing we should live in a way where come to the point of death. In the beatitudes it says we will be persecuted for Christ righteousness. Therefore we should live with our lights of Christ righteousness shining in such a way that it blinds the world and brings them to the Gospel either it be, I remain alive or enter into the Goodness of the Kingdom awaiting the elect!

Prayer need:
* My friend Vitalik doesn’t know if he should go to Ukraine. I really want him to go because I saw the great need in UA last summer and God has been shaping him in such a way where he can be extensively used for Gods Glory and expanding the Kingdom.
* My brother Roman Need prayer. He is in a position where the Lord is breaking him and showing Him Christ is the only way. Pray that the Lord would save him!

God Bless!
Your Brother in the Faith,
Vitalik Kovalinskiy