Saturday, May 10, 2008

Blessed are those who are persecuted for My Name!

This Day is a little different than the rest. Today we did a carwash for the trip for Ukraine. I learned something I don’t deserve to, but by the grace of God I have been lavished upon with mercy.
Today at the car wash there was a small turnout of people to help wash cars. God kept my heart focused on what matters. Although the purpose of our car wash was to raise funds for Ukraine, God pondered upon my heart the desire to Evangelize. Evangelize to every heart that brought their vehicle. I couldn’t believe how people are so deceived. I don’t want to boast in myself because where I am was granted by my King, by my redeemer. I know nothing that has not been revealed unto me from my Lord. I noticed that God loves the sinners more than I do and ever will. God loves the lost more than I will ever imagine because in John 17 it says that God loves the world as he loved his son. Dear reader, please hear these words not as from me But from your God.
God loves us because he does not want us to endure his wrath. He loved us so much that he sent His son to be our substitute. Gods love is seen in Him wanting us to Glorify Him in eternity. But this does not mean all will be saved from His wrath for our sin; only if we have been called to believe in The SON of God.
Everyone I spoke to have their own form of religion. Their own formed beliefs and standard for eternity; a standard that is always being altered to fit their own lifestyles. It’s really sad to hear.
Some refused to believe in the bible and it being Gods word. Others live a life ashamed of the gospel and joining cults such as coexist. There were people that refused to talk about anything to do with God. Through this entire car wash God showed me that He wanted me to share as much as HE has planned for me. It’s great to have my God to be in control.
Throughout the evangelism that was going on at the car wash I observed the reactions of the people. They felt like they were being accused, and they were the Gods word. The Funny thing is that it seems like these people will never stop at a car wash again if God doesn’t save them. But I hope one day they would return and share their testimony, If not in this life then the life to come.
Friend, please share your faith. Do NOT be ashamed of the Gospel. Share it until they kill you like they did to your savior. All they can do is send you to heaven. And that for us is a Blessing.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for my Name! – Jesus…
God be with YOU.


Rebecca Lucille S. said...

AMEN! Blessed are the feet of those who preach the gospel, as well! I've always thought that if I couldn't live an entire life for Christ, I would want to die/suffer for him at least! What an honorable cause!!!!

Well, I guess you knew about the Rebelution because you did, indeed, seem like a "Rebelutionary". :)

What I mean by God calling me to be a missionary is this: Every Christian is given a responsibility to share the gospel of Christ with friends and family, and God also calls some people to devote their lives to work in a foreign/(or even homeland) place to share the Gospel of Christ and help the people...

And God has called me to both, personally. I can't honestly explain how he called me, or why he choose me- and I think if I could explain it, it wouldn't be a true calling! :D

How long will your group be in Urkraine? I'm so excited for you guys! It's such a blessing to see the Lord really calling people to the Harvest of Souls!!!! Praise His name!

In Christ,

Rebecca Lucille S. said...


First, it's not a distraction from my schedule at all. However, I only am online about 1/2 hour a day, but it is my greatest joy to communicate with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!!! It's such a blessing!

I fully understand what you mean by saying we are so, so, so, so unworthy of being a servant of Christ. Personally, it amazes me to just think Christ would love me enough to save me, and use ME, of all people, to share His Love with the world!

For a long time I did not quite understand God's calling in my life. I always imagined growing up and doing something great so that I would be remembered by multitudes of people in the future as a great leader who changed the world....

But now, after the Lord's gentle guidance, I now realize I am literally nothing without Christ...and if I take Christ and his will out of my life, it is empty. That's how it is for all believers, I think.

Have you ever gone on a missions trip before? I went to Mexico last summer with a group from my church, and my eyes were really opened to what God has called me to do! I'll keep you and your group in my prayers, for sure! Why is your group called Sl3d? I've been trying to figure it out, but am at a loss! :) Do you guys live in LA area? I'm going to Bible college this fall to study for the ministry at a college that is about 2 hours away from LA!

I'm not quite sure where God want's me to go to serve Him and share the gospel, but he's really burdened my heart with the countries of Mexico, Russia, India and Fiji. All I can do right now is pray, and pray hard!!

How old are you? Have you just graduated this year? Do you plan on going to college for anything? What countries has the Lord laid on your heart for prayer, or to share the gospel in? (Aside from where you're going this summer.)

I have to go now! You're in my prayers!

A BondServant to the Lord Almighty,

Rebecca Lucille S. said...

Thanks so much for sharing your testimony of Christ with me! As I read it, my heart was blessed greatly; especially by your reference to Col. 1:12-15. I looked up these scriptures, and the Lord really spoke to my heart.

Ha, you are only 10 days older than I am. :) My birthday is September 18, 1990! That's really amusing, I think!

I want to encourage you to just keep praying for the Lord to help you discover His will in your life. This past year for me has been so eye opening to God, and his perfect will and plan for my life! So many things have happened this last year, and I had no idea why God allowed them to happen. At many times, I felt like a failure to my parents and a dissapointment in some areas of my life, but now, at the end of the school year, I can look back, and say PRAISE GOD! Praise him for letting those things happen in my life- which were all a part of his undescribable, and perfect, unique plan for my life.

God has such a plan for your life as well, as I am sure you already know. :) I was reading Daniel 3 today, and I really think the verses 17-38 are AMAZING! God's promises to always be with us, and help us are so ....undescribable!

Ohhh, so that's why your group is called Sl3d! That's really beautiful and significant! :) I love the song on the Sl3d myspace page...its so beautiful!

I'm actually going to West Coast Baptist College this fall, its in Lancaster, CA...and I am so ecstatic about it! I can hardly wait! This summer I'm going to be doing an internship with the Church I attend, which will help considerably with finances! (Seeing as I'm not that rich, with only 17 years to my name, haha!) I want to major in Missions and Elementary Education (which, for a lady, can be very helpful in the mission field!)

Sorry for the length...I tend to be a very "wordy" person sometimes. Perhaps I will 'attempt' to keep it short next time- which is an amusing thought to me! Haha...

A Bond Servant to LORD Almighty,
Becca Lucille

PS. Psalms 37:1-7

Rebecca Lucille S. said...

Wow, that video "Isn't it enough" is so beautiful and true! I actually just got online to check my email, and found your comment/post- and what a blessing it was to read! Just to think God does hold our hand! It's interesting and amazing that you mentioned this, because only this morning as I opened my bible I came across a passage in John which says:

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." -John 10:27-28 (Jesus Speaking)

I also read this morning in Psalms (one of my favorite books!) in chapter 139, verses 17-18:

"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee."

And, also in Psalms 8- I'll let you look it up, but it's amazing! Oh, to think that Christ would love US! :)

I know what you mean by being nervous walking through life without knowing what God would have you to do- but why should we fear when Almighty God holds us in his hands?! :)

I dont know if you've seen this video on youtube, it's short- about 5 minutes long or so, and it's AMAZING! It's titled "Laminin" and I hope you'll take some time, if you havent seen it, to watch it! Christ really does hold us together with his own hands!

I have to go to work now! Thank you for encouraging me as well! :) What a joy it is to know brothers and sisters in Christ in different states and even countries across the world. :) It's such a blessing!

Prayerfully in Christ,

PS. 1 Peter 5:6-9

Rebecca Lucille S. said...

Hola! (Hello, in spanish. *wink*)

Well, it's good to know it's not as hard to pronounce your name as it is to read it. :) And what a great meaning to your name! My name, Rebecca, means "Servant of God," According to various sources! What a blessing that is! And my middle name, Lucille, means "Light," of course- I am not that light! Christ is! I know its kind of silly, but it's all very significant to me personally!

It is kind of strange to think we can know each other now- through technology, and to know we are related as brother and sister through the Blood of Jesus Christ- our Saviour and Father! :) It's very much a blessing and if we never meet in this life, to know we'll meet in heaven one day. It's always such a great thought to think of meeting many Saints in heaven one day! Oh what a day that will be!

You worked at starbucks? WOW! THAT is a blessing in itself! I love, love, love starbucks!

It sounds like you have lots of great things happening in your life- serving the Lord and everything. How exciting and wonderful! You're very right about being a servant to all by leading! The joy we can find in serving God by serving others is absolutley amazing!

I Praise the Lord for today, He really revealed so much of his love and goodness to me today! While me and my friends were out "SoulWinning" today we were able to witness to many people! It was wonderful!

The sermon tonight at church, a missionary from the Phillipines preached. He taught from God's word about how we should serve the Lord and love Missions because we love God and for that reason alone. Our love for Christ might fail at times, but Christ's love for us is everlasting! And NOTHING can seperate us from His love!!!! (Romans 8:34-39) If that is our soul desire and modivation to Serve the Lord- we will be made able to serve him FOREVER! Sorry, I dont mean to preach *blushes slightl*. I just found this idea very encouraging and fascinating and I wanted to share it with you, Vitaliy!

I guess you were wrong about only Russians having big families. ;) How many are in your family? I will post pictures of everyone! They're so cute and precious! Children are truly a blessing from the Lord!

I studied the passage in Luke 11, and am still trying to allow the Word of God to search my heart and speak to me from this passage of scripture. It is a tremendous part of the Gospel! :)

You mentioned somewhere (I cant recall where) that you were doing a bible study about how the Gospel is all over the bible, from Genesis through Revelations, and that really made me think! I decided to start in Genesis- specifically studying for such signifigance. I began last night, and WOW! It is SOOOO True! Thanks for encouraging me in that area of my studies!

I have not yet had the priveledge or opportunity to listen to that sermon, but I do plan to! I woke up late this morning, feeling very sick and having to rush to work, but I dont have to work tomorrow so I will listen to it then, for sure!

Have you listened to many sermons by John Piper? He is an incredible preacher!

When Sl3d (group) meets do you guys have prayer meetings or preaching? I think, for sure, the most important thing when preparing for a missions trip is to not only prepare financially- but to prepare your heart as well! :)

Do you have a "Life Verse"? (if you know what I mean? You know, like one or two specific verse in the bible have really influenced you, or reflect something special for you? A verse you live by?)

I better get some sleep now, maybe it will help my head feel better! :) Thanks for your prayers for my Grandma, she's so heavy on my heart! I'm continuing to pray for you and your friends as you get ready to head for Urkraine. I'm so excited for you!!

"If I covet any place on earth but the dust at the foot of the cross,
then I know nothing of Calvary love." -Amy Carmichael

Your Humble Sister Through Christ's Blood,
Rebecca Lucille

PS. Job 42:1-6
I love this passage of scripture, and I'm sure you'll love it too! I read it before youth conference at my church this year, and what a blessing and great promise from God to know he has plans for us that are "too wonderful" for us, which we known not yet! :)

Jaclyn Marina said...

wow, vitaly, that story truely is amazing.

i can't wait to hear the stories you'll have from ukraine!