Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Sower Went Out to Sow!

I feel like I don’t know what to say. I want to write in this blog, in a sense I am, but I am so constrained because of the limit in time.

I want to share with you about what passage I really enjoy in scripture. The passage about the sower who went out to sow his seed. Look into Luke 8:4-8. I live in Fresno County and here as you might know is where 1/5 of the worlds produce is grown. It is like Ukraine in comparison to the fruit of its harvest. Lots and lots of food. One thing I learned about gardening is before I sow seed I must prepare the soil where I am to sow the seed. Also when I toss the seed over the soil I must be aware that the wind may blow it into a distant direction, such as a place where I didn’t prepare the ground. Against all the odds when harvest is ready the soil I prepared bears fruit. My aim was to have a harvest within the prepared soil. Not the side walk nes to my front yard or the Rocky area next to the pond, nor the area I didn’t pull out the weeds because have a hard time pulling out the roots.
In this parable we see a similar story or exactly the same. When the sower sowed seed it fell on its intended ground, the good soil, but blown into the road, rocky soil, and the thorny ground. He knew that the areas the seed fell other than the good soil will not produce fruit. Therefore the soil ccant prepare itself it can only be prepared by the sower. It’s a supernatural work of God in which we have no part. If He has prepared the soil we will be a Lamp up on a Lamp stand. We are salt of the earth. We are because of HIS doing.
I don’t want to preach a sermon but it is amazing to see Gods sovereignty in the work of Salvation. Please dig into this for yourself. It’s saturated with the Glories of GOD.

Luk 10:22 All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."


Rebecca Lucille S. said...

Privet Vitalik!

:) I feel like I am speaking some strange language now! I was wondering, how do you pronounce your name, and does it mean anything of signifigance?

What you said about missing an opportunity to evangelize because we have not read God's word or spent time with him is SO true!

I haven't listened to that sermon yet, but I do intend to! I just got back from work and decided to check my email while eating dinner- since I missed dinner with my family tonight. :) Anyway....I will listen to that sermon- most likely tomorrow morning before work.

You asked where I work; I work at a children's museum in the town I live in, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! It's literacy based, so lots of story telling goes on there! (And I love telling stories!) I am sad, however, because I'll be leaving my job the end of th is month because, by the grace of God, I have been accepted into an internship at my church this summer to help prepare me for college. :)

I looked up all of the scriptures you mentioned, and thank you so much for sharing them! The passage about Mary and Martha especially touched my heart! I just recently studied the Mary who anointed Jesus's feet with precious oils and perfume! What an amazing story! I cant, however, remember where that story is found in the Bible.

I was very blessed today, for I met a stranger at my job (of course, I meet strangers every day where I work...) and he was a volunteer for the museum. Anyway, we got to talking about church and everything and he said he had never really gone to church, and he wanted to come visit my church! What a blessing! He said he has visited a christian church with his friend when he was very young, but hasn't been to church recently! I invited him to come, and he said he just might do that! I was very excited to hear that, and I pray he will come and hear the Gospel of Christ and get saved!

God is just soooooooooo very GREAT! He opens so many doors for witnessing if we just keep our eyes open. I actually spoke to my grandma about 2 weeks ago about salvation and I got to share the entire truth of Jesus Christ with her (which was an answer to many prayers.) She hasn't accepted Him yet, but I continue to pray for her! She is so close to accepting Christ!!

You ask how I stay "busy" and I'm not quite sure what you mean by that question but I'll try to answer. :)

I'm the oldest kid of 7, so that keeps me very busy. And God also keeps me busy with church events and work. I have been immensly blessed by a good youth group at my church, and we do a lot of service projects, and prayer meetings which is a great blessing! I also have been blessed with a "Kindred Spirited" Best friend in my church family, and we spend lots of time together doing bible studies and reading christian literature and discussing it- we also like to go see musicals and plays at local theaters (one of my favorites!) and I love iceskating.

Among all these things, I love reading good books on rainy days, writing songs and stories, going on bike rides and hikes with my siblings and friends, and just spending lots of time with my family and with my Saviour Jesus Christ; which is ohhhhh, such precious time!

Phew....that took a long time to explain! I'm sorry for the length. :) Now I wonder how you keep busy? (And if I answered your question how you intended me to? Haha...)

Great post, as God sows His Word in hearts of the lost, and believers, we need to help prepare the ground for His Word! We also need to make sure our own hearts are of "good ground", soft, and ready to be planted in! We must allow ourselves, our hearts to be fashioned and planted in by Jesus Christ. How is the ground of our hearts?

Man, I'm really sorry for being so lengthy. I'm going now, my family and I are going to watch a movie titled Bella I've heard it's really good, have you seen it?

Saved By God's Grace and Love through Jesus Christ,
...And Your Sister through His Blood,

Rebecca Lucille

PS. 2 Cor. 4:3-18 (I read this passage this afternoon at work, and ohhh what Power God's Word has to transform ones heart!)

Rebecca Lucille S. said...

So, I just realized my last comment was not on your most recent post! It was on the post about Blessed are the Poor in Spirit I think...

Anyway, I was just going to say thanks for that link to that sermon! I watched it today- and WOW! God really spoke to my heart, I cant wait to watch the 2nd part! But, as you said, I will wait! :)

Your Sister through Christ's Blood,