Saturday, December 4, 2010

God is Faithful!

God, may my passion for you be like the star.

May it be bright, fiery, and blazing like the sun,

So that when temptations come like asteroids with a crafty purpose,

I dont have to scream "INCOMING!" or "RUN".

They shall burn to nothing, disintegrate before they reach my surface.

Lord I know myself, how quickly I exchange this passion for a lie.

When I shun the passions blazing attributes,

I am vulnerable; off guard, prone to fall from on high

I become an open target, when the Lord's promises I am swift to forget

Don't fall for the Devil's very goal, don't waver in your restoring faith and trust.

My shame, what shame, how fast I ran from Thy glorious name.

I need your grace to embrace in light of this affliction I often face

Though the devil sits as navigator of this most deadly and venomous rock,

My God has not lost guard nor does He ever come to a point of shock.

Remember! I was bought at an unconceivable cost.

For he says, "I will never leave nor forsake you"

Hence don't be afraid: you're no longer lost

Though the Devil remind me that I am but sand

God will never leave nor forsake me to my end,

For His love holds me in the palm of His hand.

What joy, all ye twinkles in the sky, that God sent his son for us to die!

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