Saturday, March 21, 2009

Carwash and Me

We had a Car wash today! I remeber posts from last year where i would write how our car washes went! I guess when doing something for the Glory of God it always goes very well! The outcome was good! I got to speak to many people!

The Lord thought me so much, one of which is to take hold of every oppertunity and Live for the glory of God! Please thank the Lord with me for His grace in this entire day!

The car wash was very Good. Left me burned. My arms are very red! I think that is Good! But my face is unnaturally blushing at the computer screen or in other words my face is also burned. That is the extent of my trials in the Carwash. Over all the Lord blessed us today! I had the privilege of reaching out to many people in Fresno/Clovis Area. The two cities are minutes apart. It was nice seeing people encourage us and support what we are doing! I would hope to share everything but I will share one impression that stuck to me the most today!
An Older Russian Brother, he is about 53. His name is Nikolay, or in modern day Nick or Kolya. Anyways regardless how one refers to him, He drives up almost running people over, Jumps out of His big green Truck and begins to say you’re doing it wrong! That’s not what we should be doing! Lol. The moral of the Story is we should “Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things will be given to us as well!” It was nice of him to remind us and Encourage everyone.
The Lord is keeping me busy with school; I am currently attending Fresno State University. I work at night Cleaning a small office and also I am involved in Child care at a local Church called New Covenant. I am involved in my new Church called Riverpark Bible Church; I have the privilege to serve in a small group. Sunday Nights I serve at riverpark and spend time with 2-3 year olds. They are great. It’s weird I love the most naughtiest child of the pack. His name is Braxton. He is very hyper. Well on top of all of this I and a group are getting ready to go to Ukraine! We are going to spend time with helping at a camp serving Orphans.

1 comment:

Jaclyn Marina said...

This is a joyous post. It's encouraging to hear where the Lord has placed you at this season of your life! Praise God that the car wash was blessed! : )