Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Vitaliy vs. Sin

God my day yesterday was difficult but amazing at the same time. You showed me so much I couldn’t fathom, everything I saw and felt throughout the day was so Devine.
I mean everything I went through the time by the Hotel, in Class, and then in the Hospital for 10 1/2 hrs, evangelizing, Surgery; all of it made me feel like I was someone else that is not a normal day for me. Thank you for such a filled day.
I guess that is the way things are with you, when you are in Sovereign control!
Father I’d like to talk to you about what happened before my class by the Hotel.

DAD, during the time I was waiting for my 11 o’clock class I chose sin, I’m sorry; I really am. Father…… What amazes me is how fast you picked me up, putting a weapon into my hand. During the time I was waiting I was reading the book “Disciples of Disunion” for my History class. It is strange that I parked my car by a hotel to read the book. While reading I noticed a Lady walk out of a room. She had highlighted hair, dressed in an unusual manner, so on and so on. What hurt me Dad is the fact that I began to judge her by her appearance. During the time I was judging her I was trying to fight my thoughts. Amy a dear friend of mine reminded me of a passage in Romans, where Apostle Paul speaks about him doing what he doesn’t want to do, Romans 7

Rom 7:15-23
(15) For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.....(18) For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.(19) For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.
(20) Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.....(23) but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.
It is so amazing how you made this passage a reality in my life. I hated my thought so much... I wasn’t really thinking about this passage, but it ends up that you made that hour completely relate to Apostle Paul. During the time I judged her to be prostitute I realized that I needed Your Word to fill my mind. I left the bible in my room I had nothing in my car.
I am so thankful that there was a Sermon in the vehicle by Steve Lawson. He preached a biography on Jonathon Edwards and how much Edwards lived for “YOUR Glory.” The sermon helped me realize how week I am and most of all I saw that I was living for my glory attempting to rob Yours.

…I’m a FOOL…
During the time I was sitting there with all of these thoughts running through my mind I realized something. God I do not take action when I am attacked in my spiritual battle.
I let sin hit me and hit me. All I tend to do is sit through it. That is so wrong. Yahweh, help me to hate sin. Train me to Attack it with Your (s) Word; defend with the shield of faith. It’s a war; awaken this Child for battle…Yesterday you thought me to hate this enemy of mine, which is still present within me. Help me to be a warrior and never let sin Conquer, for I am your child, by Your grace.Help me continue to live for you Glory and not my own.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Over coming Disunity

Hello Dear Friends. I'd like to talk to you about how God has been working in me throughout this, just gone by, weekend. May 27th many Bond-servant from House of the Gospel are Flying to Ukraine for this summer to be united as Christians, in a manner Christ is in GOD; this way the world will know that God sent Christ, the son of God, and That He Loves the world. Namely we are looking forward to spend time evangelizing and leading Children’s Camps. So this weekend a group of 9 People went up to Shaver Lake, CA, to spend time preparing the entire Program for camps, learn and live the lessons we are going to be teaching children in Ukraine.

The retreat was prosperous and successful the first day because all we did was spent time uniting and finding areas in our lives that keep us from uniting with one another. The Next day Saturday Morning, We began planning and preparing and planning and preparing... Throughout this time i felt my soul to be downcast. We were more focused on getting ready then on The Glory of our Father. I felt this huge distance between our missions team. We were all focusing in different directions.April 26th was a day that showed us where we failed. We didn’t have a heart of service towards one another.I noticed problems like these in many forms. Here are a few: There were area's we couldn’t make Agreements, we had a hard time making Decision, Fulfilling required Roles, Relying on God Alone; we thought that our works will accomplish what we needed to prepare, we pushed Humility in the Back of our Minds; No Poverty in spirit, we had a hard time Asking for Help from one another; helping each other.
I couldn’t hold it in. I saw what was happening. I knew that this group needed to stop or else we would have shamed the name of GOD in Ukraine.After listening to the prayer of Christ for believers, in gospel of John chapter 17, God through the Holy Spirit performed a changing Work. The group was so broken that no one could keep their tears in. Just read that prayer of Christ and imagine to yourself a group that wasn’t being united. It hurt me.At the End of the night we shared our testimonies and we were so amazed at the work of God in each other’s lives.
I left that retreat seeing everyone completely differently. It’s like i never knew them before. God so changed us it was amazing. Please pray that He continues to do so. This group learned to Hate sin and Love that which is pure and HOLY!Hear is a link to see the pictures from the retreat and other things this Group is involved in. How we are reaching out to the world around us and how we’re enjoying the world that God gave us.

Also the team has a Myspace site: www.myspace.com/sl3d

Friday, April 25, 2008

Poor in Spirit

I dont know if you have exprienced being broken and shown how sinful you truly are! I too often know how sinful i am but i do not live a changed life because of it. It is easy for me to say how i should live, but to live poor in spirit is impossible apart from the Grace of God which is in Christ Jesus.
I in my spiritual state tend to have a mind set that must be forgotten. When i live this life that should be lived out in a manner worthy of the Gospel, i tend to fall too often. God reveals to me my sin, and i feel like i am an enemy of God. But its the opposite; i am his child. He wants to perfect me and mold me into the image of HIS Holy one and Only Son. It is so remarkable to know that God Holds me tight in His Hands; i am a sheep and He is my shepherd. He will never let me wander off and be lost. He is a Good Shepherd. I really have a hard time talking about myself. I love to Talk about Him who matters in Life. Namely God.
GOD bless all of you and i hope that God will transform you by the renewing of your mind!