Saturday, June 11, 2011

First Update

here is a quick update on Gods work in my heart and mind on the way to Ukraine. Praying for you guys!

“Log One” 12:46, 6.11.2011

Currently I am 30 minutes away from
landing into the JFK airport located in the state of New York. Just to recall a
few sequence of events, it was on Friday the 10th of June, 8pm
sharp, that Timothy, my younger brother, and I began our summer adventure
driving south on freeway 99 to Los Angeles Ca. It was Johnny T. who graciously
extended his loving and gracious hand to drive us down to the International
Airport in L.A. By the urgency of our hunger we decided to stop in Bakersfield
for dinner, like always we feasted at the Californian loved In-n-out Burger.

I think it is worth mentioning the
conversation I had with my older brother during the trip. By phone, Roman
shared the various things God has been doing in his life and the goals he hopes
to accomplish in the near future. Spontaneously it seemed to me, he said,
“Vitaliy, you know we need to make a trip somewhere far.” I honestly thought
who would propose a road trip to a state like Washington, and if he really was
thinking about a place far then New York. But let me tell you, he surprised me
because both are considered to be a drive down the street in comparison to the
destination he had in mind. As summary about the things God has been doing in
his heart his desire to visit the mystery destination reveals what God might
have my brother do in the future. Roman said, “We should go and learn from the
church in South Korea!” What…! Strangely enough, that was my initial response. He
explained, “South Korea is the country that God is using to send out the most sincere
missionaries to witness about the cross of Calvary. By the lens of the world,
they are jumping into the least esteemed position to reach a dark and dying world.
He might have not said it precisely as I have just mentioned but his underlying
message was that there is something significant about their passion for Christ
and his mission that we need to learn from!” I don’t know about you but a man
who has spent a total of about 3 to 4 years in both Jail and Juvenile Hall is
passionate of reevaluating his passion for the gospel. Thanks be to God! Thank
Him for all of his good deeds, especially in the life of my brother and family.
I say this because when God moves in anyone’s family, it is then that we see his
hand most clearly and intimately.

my flight on which I am only moments away from landing, I realized a few troubling
things about my heart. First, how little I thank God for the things he does in
my life. Now I don’t mean merely whisper a few words of prayer to thank him for
a meal and or the warm welcomes we receive from God’s family, but really thank
Him with ALL of our hearts. Even for the quiet deeds he performs in our hearts
and lives. Like making sure the leaves on our trees follow the cycle of
seasons; blossoming in in spring then following the colors of the year until
they delicately fall to the ground. Even for filling our hearts with the desires
to seek him and to draw near to him. I guess as one leaves home and their
roots, it’s one of those moments you don’t realize what you have until you have
it no more or momentarily are disconnected from them. On a closing note, God is
faithful to bless us, his children, so much! He lavishes us with his grace. Like
right now, before the plane had landed in N.Y., which it did, Tim laid his head
and fell asleep on my lap. How precious! I am truly thankful for God’s grace in
blessing me with a brother who would trust me and allow me to feel his breath
coming in and softly brushing down my tie. Thank God for the relationships that
he has granted as gifts to us!