Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ!

The Lord blessed the day we Celebrate the Resurrection of Christ! Easter morning was so fun and enjoyable. But most of all the Glory of God was so present.

Heres a Poem that reminds me of all my efforts to make things right with God!

O long and dark the stairs I trod
With trembling feet to find my God
Gaining a foothold bit by bit,
Then slipping back and losing it.
Never progressing; striving still
With weakening grasp and faltering will,
Bleeding to climb to God, while he
Serenely smiled, unnoting me.
Then came a certain time when I
Loosened my hold and fell thereby;
Down to the lowest step my fall,
As if I had not climbed at all.
Now when I lay despairing there,
Listen … a footfall on the stair,
On that same stair where I afraid,
Faltered and fell and lay dismayed.
And lo, when hope had ceased to be,
My God came down the stairs to me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Healthy in my Lord!

In recent history people believed that health was seen through one’s eyes, they thought it was ones physical well-being. In the last 50 years there have been studies done to show that our health is seen in many different dimensions. The dimensions of health include social, mental, emotional, Spiritual, and physical health which are all tightly intertwined. I would like to consider how each of the internal and external factors that influence psychosocial health are currently affecting me. I would also like to discuss the positive steps one can take to enhance psychosocial health.
Psychosocial health has been defined to include both psychological and social aspects of one’s life, and how social health compares or influences the other health dimensions like emotional, spiritual and mental. All the dimensions are like standing dominos; if one aspects of health like the emotional crumbles all the other will also follow its lead, like would a domino when falling and knocking the others. It is very important to be a strong and well rounded person. Evaluating myself in the light of psychosocial health and all of the aspects of its dimensions I feel to be surpassingly healthy.
There are several basic elements that prove one is psychosocially healthy. Rebecca J. Donatelle the author of Health the basics would agree that one is healthy if he/she feels good about themselves. In my life i do not have the aspect of feeling good about myself, BUT there is something else. I feel good about what my God has done for me. I feel good to know that which I hate in myself, namely my sin, God has bore on the cross. This makes me see I higher stage of feeling good not of self but of God. Think about it, one day I can feel good about myself but the other day I can miserable. I shift like shadows and am tossed like the waves of the sea. But my God isn’t. He is unchanging. Therefore I will always feel good with a living spring of Joy flowing from me! I think if I felt good about myself that would mean that I feel good about my sin that is ever present in my life. That is a dilemma! The Bible states that is one loves his sin he is not a regenerate person. But if one is completely satisfied in God that is the greatest ecstasy of happiness. Therefore do not feel good about yourself but feel good about God.
Psychosocially healthy people feel comfortable around other people. I also qualify under this quality. There are moments in my life where I purposefully lead myself to meet new people and their reaction makes me feel uncomfortable. But the only reason I feel uncomfortable is because I want them to receive a high view of me in the midst of my first impression. That is something that makes me uncomfortable but when I am around others and my primary Goal is to make much of God Through my conversations, thoughts, and actions I feel most comfortable. Likewise I am most blessed because after the Lord had saved me from a life of self centeredness he gave me the Holy Spirit who comforts me in my every need!
Psychosocially healthy people control tension and anxiety. I view anxiety and tension as my ever roaring enemies. In the midst of school and my studies I am very prone to becoming anxious. But I don’t have too. The reason I do not have to become tense nor anxious is because my God is in control of everything; not only the weather but every atom that exist. He is in control of life and death, success and failure. Therefore when I am anxious or worry I question the sovereignty of God. That should be the last of all my questions. I am well equipped to control tension and anxiety.
Psychosocially healthy people maintain a positive outlook on life. I have a very positive outlook on life because my life is all about God. When my closest uncle, Anatoliy Morgun, passed away i could have had a negative outlook on life but I don’t because this life isn’t about me! His death was there to bring me into a closer union with my God. I know that in the midst of disaster and death I can positively look at life because this life is only momentary and soon after I have eternity in heaven awaiting me! Yes there are hard times in life, like many are encountering right now due to the economical crisis. My Uncle Ivan Glukhoy has recently lost his Job while having a family of 9. He was the sole provider. But the Lord still give such people a Positive outlook on life because He promises us if me seek Him in His righteousness he will give us all of the necessities in life. He says that neither the sparrow of the sky nor lilies of the field neither reap nor toil but the Lord provides for them; how much more are we to Him! How can one not have a positive outlook in the surpassing goodness of God?
Psychosocially healthy people are thankful for simple things and meet Goals. I find myself to be needy in the area of being thankful. If my eyes were open to all of the simple good things that I have and how unthankful I am to God I am the most to be pitied! But when I realize where I have not been thankful I will use that realization to be a guide in the areas I need to be thankful. Consider the water that flows out of our refrigerator, it is only steps away. But contrast that with what people in Africa have to encounter to receive one glass of water. They have to walk tens of miles in order to fill their stomachs. How thankful shall we be to have what we do! How thankful shall we be that the air we breathe is free; imagine having to pay for our every breath. I am not one that meets all of my goals and I think that is very good because if I met all of my goals there would be no more to meet. That might be sarcastic but very true. If I have not met my goals I have a life ahead of me to meet them.
I do not want seem like a perfect human being, I am not. But My God perfects me; His riches over flow into my life. There are many weaknesses that I bear but they are nothing in the eyes of God and He always strengthens me. Whenever I am weak my Gods strength shines through me.